Wednesday 13 June 2012

Even though I tried hard but being a teenager I couldn't escape this issue... This BLOG is for all the broken hearts but not an inspiring one rather a boring and baseless one..... But I think you should give it a read..  No more about this "LOVE" thing anymore.

Sometimes I dream of being a good Lover , a Wife, a Mother
And Sometimes I feel really close but then other times it seems silly.
Like it will ruin my whole life . Its not just a fear of commitment or I am
Incapable of caring and loving because I can . Its just that now I don't
live in any Delusions and projections . People have some kind of
Romantic projections they put on everything and anything.
They are not based on any kind of reality.
Do you often think of somebody on which those romantic projections
Fit on? Day and Night ? Daydreaming about that lucky nerd? Being
crazy in Love? We fall in and out of love . Sometimes we are abandoned
by choice or by fate. The other times we abandon someone heartlessly.
I am so through with the reality of heartbreaks .The day I realised my
importance I lost his.
Live Live lOve life . ZillionS in the world , one is totally yours forever at
the right time At the right place.
No delusions No Projections....
One breaks your heart, he/she is nothing more than a lesson to be
learned by Mind not heart.. And again the world is full of
stories.Everyone has a story which Ends to death . Make a brilliant and
successful story out of your rare and exquisite life and stop smothering
in your poignant love..Coz priority is always you yourself.. And
remember there has always been something bigger than
heartbrakes,trauma , pangs ,break ups ,link
ups. Its just A pity part of our massive "LIFE", Unquestionably you are
going to ruin it assuming its your life all your life... 

Sorry won't even touch this topic again .. I know I ruined your time..